The School Leaders Teach Party Classes for Teachers and Students of the School of Accounting

Publisher:会计学院英文网Release time:2019-10-31Number of visits:275

The School leaders teach party classes for teachers and students of the School of Accounting

On the afternoon of October 23, 2019, Zhu Bin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the school, gave a party class with the theme of "Practicing the Awareness of Purpose and Performing the Fundamental Responsibilities of Lide Shuren". All the teachers and students of the School of Accounting participated in the study.

In accordance with the requirements of "four clear explanations", Zhu Shuji closely focused on the main line of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and focused on the major topic of "Cultivating people, cultivating people, and cultivating people". In detail, we expounded in detail the development process of the Chinese Communist Party's sense of purpose, how to enrich and develop our party's sense of purpose, and how college teachers practice the party's purpose consciousness. Zhu Shuji asked the college teachers to resist the responsibility of Li De Shu people and make new and greater contributions to the education work of HDU.

The members of the participating teachers and students agreed that the party class has important guiding significance for future work and study. They all expressed that they will not forget their original intentions, bear in mind the mission, integrate the Lideshu people into the classroom, and integrate into peacetime to contribute their own strength to the development of the school.