


论坛地点:bob电竞ios 文一校区实验大楼3楼西会议室


主办单位:bob电竞ios 浙江省信息化发展研究院


报告主题(一):CEO Social Media Presence and Insider Trading

报告介绍唐镇洋,美国克拉克大学商学院长聘副教授,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学金融学博士。研究方向主要包括:内幕交易,企业社会责任,公司治理,风险投资等,曾于Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Review等期刊发表多篇论文,并于20162019年获得克拉克大学商学院最佳本科教授奖项。


报告内容简介:In this talk, He will present their recent work on the relationship between CEOs’ social media presence and their insider trading patterns. Consistent with the laboratory findings that online social media usage lowers self-control and encourages risk-taking behavior, they find that corporate CEOs show similar tendencies in real life. CEOs with a social media presence are more likely to abuse their information advantage to profit from unethical insider trades. In particular, CEOs’ social media presence strongly predicts their insider trading activity in terms of incidence, intensity, profitability, and opportunism. The effects are largely driven by insider buys (rather than sells) that tend to be more opportunistic and contain more material non-public information. The effects are also more pronounced for CEOs who are active on social media relative to inactive CEOs and for CEOs who are opportunistic traders relative to routine traders.


报告主题(二):Which Enemy to Dance with? A New Role of Software Piracy in Influencing Anti-piracy Strategies

报告人介绍孙灿,中国科学技术大学管理学院副教授,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学管理学博士。主要研究兴趣包括:管理信息系统、盗版治理、物联网、区块链等。已发表论文于Production and Operations ManagementInformation Systems Research国际顶尖期刊。


报告内容简介:Software piracy is a challenging issue faced by software firms and governments all over the world. To control software piracy, firms exert considerable effort in anti-piracy measures. This paper uses game theoretical models to study how software firms should determine their anti-piracy efforts and product prices. There are two unique aspects of our model. First, anti-piracy efforts have both a direct effect and a cross effect on software piracy. Second, we capture two types of competitions when piracy exists: one between a legitimate product and its pirated counterpart, and the other between two pirated products. We find several interesting results. We show that due to pirated products' buffer effect not studied before, eliminating piracy does not necessarily mean higher profit for firms. This reveals an unexplored advantage of desktop software comparing with Software as a Service (SaaS) that can totally eliminate piracy. Direct and cross effects have different impacts on firms' decisions and profits. Opposite to what one might expect, when a firm's anti-piracy effort becomes more effective in increasing the cost of pirating its own product but not its competitor's product, the firm becomes worse off under certain conditions. By contrast, if the anti-piracy effort's cross effect is higher, therefore increasing the cost of pirating its competitor's product, a firm will always be better off. The managerial implication is that if a firm ignores the cross effect, it could under-invest in anti-piracy effort, causing its profit to suffer.


报告主题():Willpower and Creativity: Self-Control Exertion Promotes Divergent Thinking

报告人介绍田鼎,上海财经大学商学院副教授。阿尔伯塔大学市场营销学博士。主要研究方向数字营销、消费者心理与决策、消费者自控力、消费者创造力、消费仪式等。曾在Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of International Consumer Marketing等期刊上发表论文。


报告内容简介:The ability to generate creative ideas is an essential skill for both individuals and firms. This research examines how the exertion of self-control affects creativity. Whereas self-control exertion typically has undesirable downstream consequences, the authors propose that it can actually be beneficial in the domain of creativity. They theorize that the act of exerting self-control enhances creativity in the form of divergent thinking, and that it does so by compromising inhibitory control and, in turn, promoting cognitive flexibility. Converging evidence from 12 studies provides support for this theorizing. It also reveals that the creativity-enhancing effect of self-control exertion vanishes in the presence of externally imposed constraints that obstruct the cognitive-flexibility pathway to creativity, and that the effect reverses for creativity in the form of convergent thinking, which is driven primarily by cognitive persistence. This research shows that self-control exertion, a common behavior among consumers and employees, has systematic and nuanced consequences for their performance in activities that require creativity. The findings have important practical implications for how to promote creativity in consumption, at work, and in everyday life.



论坛嘉宾:徐小苇,美国罗德岛大学金融学长聘副教授, 金融系系主任阿尔伯大学博士。研究方向主要包括CEO人力资本,公司治理,企业的社会责任等曾于Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Financial Review等期刊发表多篇论文,并获得罗德岛大学商学院最佳教学和服务奖项。