




联系方式:yshi@hdu.edu.cn;   13023672586


史月琴,女,1988年出生,江西吉安人,2016-至今在bob电竞ios 材料与环境工程学院工作,主要研究方向为高分子相关的材料合成与器件制备,如:光电高分子的合成及其应用于太阳能电池的研究、高分子材料降解和转化、光催化材料的设计与合成。目前以第一作者发表SCI论文19篇,申请国家发明专利2项。主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目、一项浙江省自然科学基金面上项目和一项横向项目。




  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,‘水/醇溶性共聚物原位合成纳米晶组装用于高效稳定的有机/无机杂化太阳能电池’(51703045),项目主持人,(2018-2020年)。

  2. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,‘碳纳米管高温组装制备高效过渡金属氧化物催化剂及在塑料降解、转化中的研究’(Y21E030023),项目主持人,(2021-2023年)

  3. 横向项目,‘超声分散石墨烯特性分析服务’,项目主持人。


  1. Yueqin Shi, Licheng Tan, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen, In Situ Fabricating One-Dimensional Donor-Acceptor Core-Shell Hybrid Nanobeams Network Driven by Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolythiophenes. Macromolecules2014,47, 1757-1767.

  2. Yueqin Shi, Fan Li,Licheng Tan,Yiwang Chen, Hybrid Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Cooperative Interaction of Liquid Crystals within Quantum Dots and Diblock Copolymers.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2013, 5,11692-11702.

  3. Yueqin Shi,Licheng Tan, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen,Alcohol-soluble Conjugated Small Molecule Electrolytes with Hole and Electron Mobility for High-efficiency Inverted Polymer Solar Cells.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2015,17, 3637-3646.

  4. Yueqin Shi, Licheng Tan, Yiwang Chen, Dye-sensitized Nanoarrays with Discotic Liquid Crystals as Interlayer for High-Efficiency Inverted Polymer Solar Cells.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2014, 6, 17848-17856.

  5. Yueqin Shi, Fan Li, Yiwang Chen, Controlling Morphology and Improving the Photovoltaic Performances of P3HT/ZnOHybrid Solar Cells via P3HT-b-PEO as an Interfacial Compatibilizer.New J. Chem.2013, 37, 236-244.

  6. Yueqin Shi, Fan Li, Yiwang Chen, Self-assembly Buffer Layer based on Conjugated Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-b-poly(3-triethylene glycol thiophene) DiblockCopolymer Grafted with Lithium Ions for High Efficiency and Air Stability Polymer Solar Cells.J. Mater. Chem. C2014,2, 8054-8064.

  7. Licheng Tan, Yueqin Shi, Yiwang Chen, Assembly of Quantum Dots in Polymer Solar Cells Driven by Orientational Switching of Mesogens under Electric Field. Solar Energy 2016,129, 184-191.

  8. Fan Li, Yueqin Shi,Kai Yuan,Yiwang Chen,Fine Dispersion and Self-assembly of ZnONanoparticles Drivenby P3HT-b-PEO Diblocks for Improvement of Hybrid Solar Cells Performance.New J. Chem.2013, 37, 195-203.

  9. Stephanie L. Fronk, Yueqin Shi, Martin Siefrid, Cheng-Kang Mai, Caitlin McDowell, Guillermo C. Bazan, Chiroptical Properties of a Benzotriazole-Thiophene Copolymer Bearing Chiral Ethylhexyl Side Chains. Macromolecules2016,49, 9301-9308.

  10. Yueqin Shi, Cheng-Kang Mai, Stephanie L. Fronk, Yiwang Chen, Guillermo C. Bazan, Optical Properties of Benzotriazole-based Conjugated Polyelectrolytes. Macromolecules2016,49, 6343-6349.

  11. Yueqin Shi*, Enxiang Yang, Jun Zhang, Polymer solar cells employing conjugated polyelectrolytes with different countercations, Colloid Polym Sci. 2019, 297, 1313-1319.

  12. Yueqin Shi*, Xiaoxiao Lu,Yannan Zhang, Junhua Xi,Efficient polymer solar cells that use conjugated polyelectrolyte with a tetravalent amine-end side chain, Organic Electronics,2020,77,105542.

  13. YueqinShi,*Zhanyang Yu, Xiaoxiao Lu, and Jun Zhang, Efficient Polymer Solar Cells Employing Solution-Processed Conjugated Polyelectrolytes with DifferentlyCharged Side Chains, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2020,221,1900554.

  14. YueqinShi,*Zhanyang Yu, Zhengjun Li, Xiaodong Zhao, Xin Lil, Minxuan Xu, Xuefeng Zhang*, Qi Zhang*, Efficient polymer solar cells utilizing solution-processed interlayer based on different conjugated backbones, J Appl.Polym. Sci. 2020,10.1002/app.49527.

  15. Yueqin Shi *,Zhanyang Yu, Zhengjun Li, Xiaodong Zhao and Yongjun YuanIn-Situ Synthesis of TiO 2 @GO Nanosheets for PolymersDegradation in a Natural Environment, Polymers, 2021,13, 2158.