

潘安健 Pan Anjian   助理研究员





潘安健,男,199412月出生,安徽六安人,博士,助理研究员。20226月毕业于华南理工大学化学与化工学院,获工学博士学位。20228月任职于bob电竞ios 材料与环境工程学院。主要从事气固两相流实验及数值模拟、流体流动与传热特性分析、机械设备多物理场耦合计算、超疏水自清洁材料的制备及其防尘特性研究等工作。相关成果已发表于Solar EnergyEnergyApplied Surface ScienceASME Journal of Heat Transfer等期刊上。



[1] Zhang L. Z., Pan A. J., Cai R. R., et al. 2019. Indoor experiments of dust deposition reduction on solar cell covering glass by transparent super-hydrophobic coating with different tilt angles. Solar Energy, 188, 1146-1155.

[2] Pan A. J., Lu H., Zhang L. Z., 2019. Experimental investigation of dust deposition reduction on solar cell covering glass by different self-cleaning coatings. Energy, 181, 645-653. 

[3] Pan A. J., Zhang L. Z., Cai R. R., 2021. Numerical methodology for simulating particle deposition on superhydrophobic surfaces with randomly distributed rough structures. Applied Surface Science, 568, 150872. 

[4] Pan A. J., Zhang L. Z., Cai R. R., Dong C. S., Fluid flow and heat transfer of a gas stream containing dust particles in a parallel-plates duct. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 144, 111108.