





姬璟,女,1991年出生,陕西人,bob电竞ios 管理学院讲师,博士。20236月毕业于西安交通大学管理学院,获得管理学博士学位。在博士就读期间,获得国家基金委资助前往美国印第安纳大学凯利商学院进行过为期一年的联合培养。研究兴趣为企业的战略创新、新产品开发与高管团队特征,期待与您的合作,联系方式:jijing@hdu.edu.cn



[1]Ji J, Yi Y. Value variations of political ties in the acquisition of R&D capabilities: The role of non-SOEs and dysfunctional competition [J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2022, 101: 1-11. (SSCI; JCR Q1; ABS 3; IF: 4.695ABDC-A*; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.11.012)

[2]Ji J, Yi Y. How do TMT conflicts affect exploratory innovation? The moderating effects of team task reflexivity [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2022: 1-14. (SSCI; JCR Q3; ABS 2; IF: 3.745; ABDC-B; https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2022.2060808)

[3]Yi Y, Ji J*, Lyu CC. How do polychronicity and interfunctional coordination affect the relationship between exploratory innovation and the quality of new product development? [J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2022, 26(7): 1687-1704. (SSCI; JCR Q1; ABS 3; IF: 8.689; ABDC-A*; https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-04-2021-0292)

[4]Lyu CC, Zhang F, Ji J, et al. Competitive intensity and new product development outcomes: The roles of knowledge integration and organizational unlearning [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2022, 139: 121-133. (SSCI; JCR Q1; ABS 3; IF: 4.874; ABCD-A; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.09.049).

[5]弋亚群,姬璟*,陈玉.不良竞争对新产品开发速度与质量的作用研究——政府导向的调节作用 [J].科学学与科学技术管理, 2018, 39 (7): 37-50.(中文核心,基金委认定管理类重要期刊 30B类)


[6]Ji J*. How TMT conflicts affect exploratory innovation? The moderating effects of team task reflexivity [C]. Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (管理学国际顶级会议)

[7]Ji J*. How can exploratory and exploitative innovation affect NPD speed and NPD quality? [C]. Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (管理学国际顶级会议)

[8]Ji J*, Yi Y, Ndofor H. How can resource bundling affect NPD speed? The moderating role of business model designs [C]. Academy of Management 2020 Annual Meeting, online. (管理学国际顶级会议)