
“脑机协同智能技术”国际联合研究中心于2017年由国家科技部批复立项建设。该基地依托bob电竞ios 计算机学院建设,瞄准中国人工智能2.0规划和中国“脑计划”等国家科技战略发展前沿,围绕“脑、机、智”三个方面,开展脑认知功能、脑机接口、智能信息系统、人机闭环等方向的国际联合研究,通过有计划成体系地引进高水平国外学术团队,开展更加紧密更加深入的国际科技合作,推动我国脑机智能领域研究进入国际前沿,催生本领域高水平原创成果的出现,为国家开展脑bob体育手机登录 及我校重点大学建设提供强有力的支撑。 “脑机协同智能技术”国际联合研究中心由计算机学院戴国骏教授团队和孔万增教授团队联合意大利罗马大学、德国汉堡大学、美国伊利诺伊理工大学、日本理化学研究所等国际著名研究机构共同建设。中心注重跨学科人才的引进与合作,团队成员涵盖计算机科学、神经科学、生物医学工程、数学等多个学科,研究方向涉及类脑智能、脑机接口、人机闭环等三个领域,并在校内形成了多学科交叉创新团队。 中心承担了国家科技部重点研发计划政府间合作项目2项,国家国际科技合作专项2项,国家自然科学基金10项,省重点研发计划项目7项;拥有国家高端外国专家1人,浙江省“海鸥”*人才1人;获浙江省科学技术进步奖一等奖1项,二等奖2项,三等奖2项,浙江省教学成果奖一等奖项,以及吴文俊人工智能技术发明三等奖1项;中心王如斌教授的主办了SCI国际期刊《Cognitive NeuroDynamics》;团队成员发表高水平学术论文100余篇。

Aiming at the Artificial Intelligence 2.0 program and the Brain Project of China, the International Joint Research Center for Brain-Machine Collaborative Intelligence founded in 2017 conducts research in various areas of brain-machine intelligence, with an emphasis on brain's cognitive function, brain-computer interface, intelligent information system, and pilot-in-the-loop. To promote the research on brain-machine intelligence in China, research teams led by Dr. Guojun Dai and Dr. Wanzeng Kong from the School of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, and renowned experts from Sapienza University of Rome in Italy, Universität Hamburg in Germany, Illinois Institute of Technology in US, and the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan, work in close collaboration on establishing an interdisciplinary innovative team with devoted members from fields of computer science, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, mathematics, etc.. The members have published over 100 well-written academic papers and have been awarded 2 grants for National Key Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2 grants for National Key R&D Plan, 10 grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 7 grants for Zhejiang Province Key R&D Plan.