

    题: 柔性机构优化设计与应用

 人: 武珂法国信息安全与自动化研究院 (INRIA)



Compliant Mechani**s (CMs) have presented several desired properties in mechanical applications, gradually becoming a hot research area in recent years. Different from rigid mechani**s, CMs demonstrate a new concept for energy (including force and motion) transferring that merely depends on the elastic deformation of the built-in flexible members. This novel concept therefore enables CMs to present several more promising features than rigid ones, such as energy-saving actuation, simplified fabrication process, simple mechanical maintenance and more precise motion under the same mechani** dimensions. Obviously, these mentioned advantages have been demonstrated in many CM-involved applications, for instance, MEMs, aircraft engineering, surgical applications, high-precision motion stage and so on. Our current work focuses on nonlinear characterization of slender beams both in static and dynamic manner for the application in the design and topology optimization of CMs.


 武珂,博士在读,法国信息安全与自动化研究院 (INRIA)。本科毕业于重庆大学机械设计制造及其自动化专业,大四学年曾交流于中国人民***装甲兵工程学院,主修新式装甲坦克装备工程方向。硕士毕业于重庆大学和都柏林国立大学大学,获机械工程学(软体机器人方向)双硕士学位,期间分别于都柏林国立大学软机器人实验室**哈佛大学研究员Donal Holland副教授团队和科克女王大学和爱尔兰国家科学院Tyndall柔性机构学团队完成了两份硕士课题研究。2019年于INRIA DEFROST开始博士研究,从事软体机器人机械设计,动力学控制方向研究及一些应用数学相关方向。目前在机器人国际重点刊物和顶会IEEE RA-L, RAS, Soft Robotics, IROS, ICRA, ASME JMR, MMT等等一作发表近10篇刊物且有多篇在审;作为Robosoft, Soft robotics, IEEE RA-L, ASME JMR 等期刊审稿人。